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new year resolutions


New Year, Less Stuff


I’ve always been a pretty typical New Year’s “resolution-er.” You know the type. “I’m going to eat great every day, workout and get in the best shape of my life!” For a few weeks I’ll do a great job, then eventually fall off the bandwagon and go into a yo-yo diet. (Worse than the habits I had before.) Health is one of the most important things, and I am not under valuing that at all. Without our health, we don’t have much. HOWEVER…… I’m not falling into that category this year.

For G’s 6 month birthday I did a post on ways that he has changed me, and I’m going to add something else to that list. I’ve really seen what’s important so this year my resolutions are a little different.

First off, I want to give more and buy less. I am such a shopaholic. (First step is admitting it, right?!) It’s gotten a little out of control to the point where I don’t even have anywhere to put all of the “things.” I’ve already started to clean out sell and donate and it feels so good. Do not give me wrong, I will always be a fashion lover. I will still be bringing you great outfits, designers, etc. What I have realized is I don’t need to be buying these things on a weekly basis. I’m going to concentrate on quality pieces that work well with everything and then every now and again a fun trendy item.

The other part of this resolution is to “give more.” There are many parts to this one. Literally I want to give more to charities with my time and donating things we no longer use. But I also want to give Georgie more by putting my phone down (if you’ve noticed I haven’t been as active on social media lately) and really being present with him. These moments with him are already flying by and I don’t want to look back and feel like I could have been there more. I want to be a better wife and do the things I know that Trey loves, even when it’s not my favorite things to do. Lastly, give more to my friends. It’s soooo easy to get caught up in your own day-to-day life that you aren’t always the most attentive friend. Since G’s birth I have not been as good as I should be. Even if it’s as simple as a quick phone call, or a card in the mall over an accomplishment a friend has made.

I’m a firm believer in positive thinking and “thinking things into existence.” Part of this is talking about and writing down your goals. Whatever your resolutions may be this year, write them down! Talk about them out loud to others. You will feel more accountability and they are much more likely to happen!

This outfit is keeping to my new theory. I wear this leather jacket more than anything else I own! Here is an affordable version . I paired it with a chunky oversized scarf that I can get a ton of wear out of, this under $20 pocket t-shirt AND of course my favorite Christmas present this gucci bag.

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and a great start to the New Year!