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plaid coats


Fall’s Hottest Coat Trend- Splurge vs Steal Plaid Coats

Fall’s Hottest Coat Trend- Splurge vs Steal Plaid Coats

fall outfits

plaid coats

plaid coats

plaid coats

The streets of New York are paved with some sort of magic dust, I swear. I traveled to the city for a quick weekend trip for Fohr conference. Leaving, I felt refreshed and ready to tackle every dream and goal list I’ve ever created.

I’ve been told if you are the smartest, most creative, “best” person in the room then you are in the wrong room. I was absolutely in the RIGHT room during the Fohr conference. It’s amazing to surround yourself with creative, positive, and innovative people making their mark in business.

Flying in was quite the struggle. I was delayed for 6 hours, and then we had to circle around the city in a holding pattern for an additional 2.5 hours for weather concerns. This allowed me the time to re-read “Girl, Wash Your Face” by Rachel Hollis. If you haven’t read this yet, stop what you are doing and order this book. It left me feeling so positive that I didn’t let the travel delays bother me and still had the BEST day and dinner with friends that night.

Your own mind is so much more powerful then you could ever imagine. If you want to have a good day, you absolutely can! Do you want to make “X” amount of dollars? You absolutely can!

In the book it talks about the only thing holding us back from reaching our goals, and that’s the lies that we tell ourselves.

“You can’t be a good mom AND a business owner.” “You aren’t smart enough to run a successful business.” “You should be so much bigger by now.”

These are some examples of the self talk that was holding me back. I wrote a long list of my lies in my hotel room that night and ripped it up and threw it out the 11th floor window. It felt great!

The takeover from that conference and the trip was that the “secret sauce” to being successful is to believe with everything you have that you can be, and then put in the work to get there. Work, work and more work. That’s it. It’s that simple.

Ok, jumping off my soap box to tell ya’ll about a trend that’s hot for fall. Plaid coats!

Loving the texture that the plaid coats trend provides. I’ve rounded up my 5 favorite splurge vs steal plaid coats below.

The one pictured runs a tad big. (Wearing an XS for reference.)

SPLURGE ($200 and up)

SAVE ($200 and less)

Looking for more fall fashion inspiration? You can find a post with 5 tops under $50 for fall HERE.