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things I learned from my child


Wilder’s 6 Month Photos | 6 Things I’ve Learned from My Baby

6 month baby pictures

Wilder’s 6 Month Photos

6 month baby photoshoot


Wilder’s Outfit: My Mila

The past 6 months have flown by! I can’t believe I’m already celebrating Wilder’s 6 month birthday. Time with kids truly does go by quicker.

For Georgie’s 6 month birthday, I compiled a list of 6 ways that he’s changed me. (You can check that out HERE.)

Isn’t it crazy how we are supposed to be teaching our children the ways of the world, but they can really teach us even more.

Wilder is the sweetest little baby. He started off with some pretty terrible colic and reflux issues. Now that he’s past some of those issues and not in pain, we can see his adorable personality shine. He’s always smiling and laughing. He already looks up to big brother, and no one can make him laugh harder. He snuggles and loves to be loved on. He completely goes with the flow and is just a laid back and easy little guy. I sure couldn’t love him any more than I do!

6 Things My 6 Month Old has Taught Me:

1. A smile can change someones day. No matter how rough of a day it is, when I see his sweet smile I can’t help but smile. This same sentiment can go for a stranger!

2. When it comes to babies, one is one and two is twenty. I’ve been told this by many, but it’s really true. We were able to still live a pretty “get up and go” lifestyle with just G. With both of them, it’s just not that easy. Everything has to be a little more planned out, organized, and thought through. I’ve never been one to operate that way, but I’m learning!

3. As a second baby, Wilder has been forced to go with the flow a bit. He handles it so well! I used to be great with this, but as previously mentioned it’s hard with two babies under a year and a half. BUT.. sometimes it’s still the best way to be!

4. Having two, I really haven’t been able to get out and “do” very much. There are times that I don’t even leave the house for 3 or 4 days in a row. I’ve always suffered from “FOMO” (Fear of missing out.) I can’t tell you how many times all my friends are somewhere and I can’t help but feel jealous. However, I had a realization with Wilder that if I’m at home snuggling my two babies I’m not missing out on a thing. I’m actually right where I need to be.

5. People are born with their personality. I used to think that our decisions as parents shaped their personalities. I do think we can mold their decision making skills and create their core values. However, Wilder is SO different than G. We can already see it. Wilder is laid back, always happy, always smiling, go with the flow and a cuddler. G rarely cuddles, is curious, smart and stubborn. They are who they are. As a mom, I’m supposed to embrace that and help make them the best version of themselves based on their unique personalities.

6. This was one of the things I learned with G, but I feel it just as deeply with Wilder. Unconditional love is real. You think you understand love to the full capacity with your siblings, parents and significant other. I can tell you for me that wasn’t the case. I’m so grateful to have amazing people who I love so much in my life. There is just nothing quite like the eternal love I have when I look into my child’s eyes. It’s magical. It makes my heart feel like it could explode. It’s indescribable.