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bandana necklace


Cold- Shoulder






cold shoulder sweater | denim shorts | Chunky heel sandal | bandana necklace | Handbag:

Alright ya’ll, only four days until this little babe is here! It feels so surreal. I picked up this cold shoulder sweater for 25% off and have worn it everyday since I got it. (Eeek, I know.) It’s lightweight and so comfy. P.S. This BCBG  trend event sale is great! All their new merchandise is 25% off. I stocked up on 3 different dresses, this sweater, and the cutest summer top. (All coming your way soon!) It’s been so nice here in Nashville, I’ve been able to rock my go to denim shorts (don’t be fooled, the top button is not buttoned.) These chunky heel sandals are so comfortable, I can wear them 9 months pregnant and running errands all day. I consider that a win! This little bandana necklace is under $40, and  the perfect update to the neck bandana for this summer. I have been picking up little odd and end things to pack in the hospital bags, stocking the house up on essentials and pantry basics, and reading everything there is to read about caring for a newborn. If anyone has any suggestions for things that helped in their last few days, I’d love to hear any advice! I’m soaking up everything I can get my hands on.



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