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Mother’s Day Edit: What Being “MAMA” Means To Me

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Mother’s Day Edit: What Being “Mama” Means To Me

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Heels | Similar Dress

Happy Mother’s Day to ALL the “Mamas” of the world out there! For the mom still hoping, the mom that adopted, the mom that pricked herself with countless needles and endured IVF. The ones who saw the heartbeat and the ones who lost the heartbeat. The aunties, the grandmas, the step moms who stepped on in and up. Whatever describes you… Happy Mother’s Day to YOU.

The sweetest sound I’ve ever heard is the first time each of my boys babbled out, “mama.” My heart just about exploded. It’s the most honorable title I’ve ever held, the hardest job I’ve ever had, and the deepest love I’ve ever felt.

The day G came into the world and I got to join the precious “mama” club was the greatest day of my life. So much advice was thrown my way. How to swaddle/not to swaddle, to breastfeed/not to breastfeed, how tired I’d be, how to get my baby to sleep through the night. Blah, blah, blah. Now I’m happy to listen to advice from any other club member, because I know the kind of work that goes into learning these secrets. However, what I didn’t hear much of was the immense and absolutely insane love that you INSTANTLY feel for your child. Un-describable, unmatched, unconditional, pure LOVE.

So on this Mother’s Day I’m choosing to not focus on the sleepless nights, thousands of diapers, and the emotional distress that motherhood brings along. Instead I’m focusing on what being “mama” means to me. LOVE.

I’m just going to bask in all the love and focus on gratitude. Gratitude that I GET to live this life. That these precious angel babies call me “mama.” That they crawl to me when they are hurt. They yell for me when they have a success. For this incredible precious time in life I’m the one they need for everything and love the most.

Mother’s Day has quickly become my favorite holiday. Celebrating my favorite and most special role in life. How amazing!

So today, give yourself some grace and sing some praises to any fellow mamas out there. No matter what path they are walking!

(P.S. I’ve partnered with some mama friends of mine to do a pretty amazing giveaway to pamper all the mamas out there. You can check that out HERE. )

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