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floral leather jacket


Spring Fashion – Leather Jacket (And yes you can wear one!)

Spring fashion is one of my favorites! Summer it gets too hot, winter too cold. Fall and spring are just right. If this isn’t the most perfect spring jacket that exists, then I just don’t know what is!

The floral embroidery/white combination is easy to pair with a plain t-shirt and denim shorts, or dress up with a silky slinky dress underneath and some heels.I paired it with my ABSOLUTE favorite basic t-shirt. It comes in several colors, and is under $20. You can find it here. It’s not overly heavy at all, so it really is perfect for this weather. You can rock this into summer at night time as well. They did not miss a single detail on this beauty, from the grommets around the sleeves and up the back, to the embroidery on the collar, back and front… it’s just all so good. I could go on and on forever. I have the black version as well, and received so many compliments any time I would wear it!

If you haven’t made the plunge to buy a pair of one teaspoon denim shorts , you should. I wear mine NON stop. I ordered a size up for pregnancy with G and wore them most of the time then too. My go to looks for spring fashion are anything paired with some one teaspoons. HA!

We are so happy to have some warmer weather in the Wilson household. Georgie was starting to go a little stir crazy. Even just going out to run errands is just a little happier and easier. I roll the window down for him and he just smiles away. It’s so sweet to see how much he enjoys being outside.

Hope everyone has a great week. We had a great time in Vegas for the ACM awards this past weekend. I’ll be sharing pics from my camera roll ASAP with some behind the scenes shots, outfit ideas and share some of our favorite places to check out to eat and visit as well. Stay tuned!

P.S. I was getting lots of questions on this lip color on my Instastories.. the color is “mauve” and you can find it HERE .