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how to keep your resolutions.


How To Keep Your Resolutions This Year

how to keep your resolutions

While I don’t believe you need a New Year (or even a Monday) to implement change in your life, there truly is something about a New Year that feels fresh. A clean slate. The perfect time to be your best self.

However, most people never keep the resolutions they set. Then you beat yourself up over not keeping said resolutions, no change occurs, repeat the next year. Ugh. That can feel so defeating. I did this year after year up until recently when I changed my mindset and how I look at New Year’s Resolutions.

In the past, I’ve done a post with things that I’ve learned from the year before. The life lessons I learned the hard way and wanted to take on into the New Year and share with you. (You can read last year’s post on that HERE. )

This year I did a deep dive and realized I’ve kept nearly all my resolutions, and wanted to share some of the ways I was able to do in hopes it would help someone else to do the same.

How To Keep Your Resolutions This Year

1.Be intentional with the resolutions you make.  Spend some time doing a deep dive into this past year. When did you feel your best? Analyze who you were with, what food you were putting in your body, etc. Make a list of your highs and lows of the past year. Make resolutions focusing towards more of those “high” items. Really understand the resolutions you make before throwing some out there that don’t make sense for you.


2. Focus on a word, phrase or mantra.  Before you make a list of goals chose a word or mantra that you want to be your overall vibe for this year. Center everything around that “bigger picture word.” For example, last year I chose the word “intention.” Before I did anything I thought to myself, “Am I doing this with intention.” This year my word is, “purpose.”


3. Be realistic. You can always add to a goal. Don’t set yourself up for failure.


4. Be specific. 


5. Set small daily habits that will lead you to  your ultimate goals. This one is the kicker.  Chose extremely specific, everyday habits that will lead you to your ultimate goal. For example, instead of “I want to lose weight.” Try, “I will to drink my body weight in water each day.” “I will move my body for thirty minutes every day.”


6. Write them down. Say them out loud. Tell Others. Visualize them in every way. Out loud, tell a friend, write them in a notebook. (Don’t forget to check back in on it!)  For the past few years I have been doing vision boards with a group of friends in January. We ask each other about our goals, encourage one another and hold each other accountable.


7. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Give yourself grace. If you slip up, don’t give up. You got this!


In the spirit of listening to my own advice of writing your goals down and telling others I’m going to share a few of mine below. I love looking back the next year and seeing my growth, and also love when ya’ll join in so we can hold each other accountable!


*Personal Resolutions This Year*



To do everything with purpose. To chose going to events, dinners, etc. that have a purpose. To find my purpose professionally and to focus on my main purpose (being a mom and wife) and serving that aspect of my life in the best way I know how.

Less things, more quality items. Clean out house. Simplify the circle. Don’t over complicate things.



  1. Better skincare. (Wear sunscreen every single day. Take time to do my skincare routine each morning and each night.)
  2. Drink more water. (Drink half of my weight in oz. of water each day.)
  3. More purposeful family time.  (Phones down for the first hour Trey gets home from work. Eat dinner together or play with kids with zero screens. )
  4. Servant’s Heart. Truly live this motto. (Be a better friend, neighbor, wife, etc. Show up for those closest to me.)
  5. Professionally- niche down. (Be resourceful and a positive place for people to land online. Practice more purposeful social media.)
  6. Travel. I’m happiest exploring new places or tried and true “happy places.” Make it a priority. (Once a month trips.)
  7. Keep a calm, clean home. I’ve learned a lot of my stress starts with things get out of whack at home. (More picking up as I go. Getting the help when I need it. Monthly closet purges. Once a month organize a new space in our home.)
  8.  Practice more gratitude. (Write in gratitude journal daily.)




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