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letter to my son


An Open Letter To My Son

nashville blogger

I thought it would be fun to take coordinating mommy and me pictures with G and write an open “letter to my son”…

fall family fatching

nashville blogger

mommy and me pictures

kimono fall fashion

nashville blogger


kimono fall fashion

On Georgie: Lion Shirt | Knit Sneaker | Jeans

On Me: High Rise Jeans | Lion Ring | Kimono (Similar- same brand) | Exact Kimono Sold out- brand is Mimi Chica | Booties

I like to think that this blog will one day be a journal stamped in time that I can go and reminisce on, and even one day my sons can do the same. Not to long ago I saw a fellow blogger say that she writes letters to her children on each birthday. She keeps the letters and will one day let them read them. Such a precious idea that I plan to borrow, but I wanted to go ahead and write one for G now. He’s in such a sweet stage and I want to remember all the little idiosyncrasies he has. So I thought I would share this letter to my son…

Dear Georgie-

There isn’t a thing in this world that makes my heart happier than hearing your sweet giggle. Right now you are a little giggle box, and it’s a sound I want to freeze in time. I know one day it will go away, and that will be the saddest day for me.

We thought you would be so jealous when Wilder came into our family, but you proved us wrong. The innate love and protective nature you have over him might just be the sweetest part about you. You are so proud to show him off to any new visitors; grabbing their hand and dragging them to him. When he cries you bring him a blanket or a pacifier, or even the remote control. Hey, what man doesn’t want control over the remote?!

You love food. (You get that honestly…) Currently you are a bottomless pit. You take your whole hand and shove as much as you can into your little mouth. I’ve yet to find anything you don’t like. Guacamole and meatballs are the current favorite. I wish it were socially acceptable for me to pick up the bowl of guac and lick the bottom like you do. If it were, I would sure join you. You and I are the same like that.

You are curious and adventurous. Your battery operated 4-wheeler can’t go fast enough. You can’t rock your rocking motorcycle (thanks to grandad for that one) hard enough. The look in your eye when you get your mind on something is mischievous, but in the sweetest possible way. With that curious spirit you aren’t afraid to climb up hills, jump off couches, slide down stairs or eat some dirt. However, you are terrified of anything in costume and even some stuffed animals. I secretly love when you are scared of something and run to me and cling to me. I hope I can always be the open arms you run to for protection.

“Da-Da” is by far your favorite word. Ya’ll are the best of friends. He can’t walk out of the room without me hearing the pitter patter of your feet chasing him down. As much as I want you to be a mamas boy, I love watching the special bond ya’ll have. Seeing your daddy like that makes me love him even more!

You’ve never met a puppy you didn’t like. It’s so sweet seeing how big your eyes get when you hear a bark. Then you will point and repeatedly say “pa-pa-pa” and try to find the puppy to snuggle him.

There is never a stranger in your eyes. You wave to every person, car, puppy, and plane that goes by. You might be stingy with real kisses, but you can blow kisses with the best of them. When you do finally give in to giving me a kiss, it is only done for the applause. That sweet little clap is my favorite.

I love watching you grow, but I sure wish you would slow down. Love you sweet boy!


MAMA (P.S. You still refuse to say mama, my heart might melt right away when you finally give in and say it…)