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life planners


Getting Organized with Erin Condren

Getting organized has been one of my top priorities lately, to help my everyday life run more smoothly.

I attended an event a few days back with some fellow Nashville bloggers showcasing Erin Condren organizational products, and it really got me on a kick to get myself together and get organized! Fair warning, I am NOT an organized person by nature, so I have to work hard at it. Everything is so much easier once I get myself on a plan.

As a mom that juggles doing styling and blogging on the side of being a full time mom as well as frequent travel, doc appointments, events, etc. it’s important for me to write everything down. Something about physically writing things down really helps me remember and get a grasp on the upcoming things that I have to do.

I’m not an organized person naturally, so here are a couple of the tips I’ve learned have really helped me wrap my head around getting organized and adding some structure in my life.

5 Organizational Tips:

1.) Write it down as SOON as you know. As soon as I get the info for an event I immediately write it down. (You can carry your planner with you in your purse to make this more feasible.)

2.) If something is extremely important, write it in a color in marker. Whenever you are scrolling through your planner it will always stand out and give you a mental reminder.

3.) Set aside a block of hours in your week to get done small tasks and write it down. I write down in my schedule a few hours when I know Georgie will be napping to do laundry, straighten up the house etc. Then I also schedule blocks of time to work on blogging. This really helps it all seem not as overwhelming.

4.) When you travel write out all confirmation numbers or any info you may have in the notes on the side of your planner. Having it all in one dedicated place really helps me not worry about scrambling at the airport, car rental place, etc. to find it.

5.) Keep it fun! I like to use the stickers, bright markets, etc to make it not seem like a task. I actually look forward to getting organized when everything is bright and fun to use. This is one of the things that I love about the Erin Condren products, there were so many options to pick and you can personalize the cover with your name as well. Keeping it fun and easy is the way to go!

Be sure to head over to Erin Condren and check out all of their fun products. I HIGHLY recommend the Life Planner ™. To receive 15% off your order use code GETSOCIAL15. (Code cannot be combined with other offers and expires 7/31/17.)