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Wilder’s Birth Story

beau and arrow nashville

Wilder’s Birth Story

birth story

baby first hospital photos

hospital baby pics

wilder's birth story

baby first pictures

beau and arrow nashville

beau and arrow nashville

birth story

baby first pictures

birth story

first baby pictures

hospital birth pictures

beau and arrow nashville

nashville birth story

beau and arrow nashville

nashville baby pictures

nashville newborn pictures

On Wilder: Take Home Outfit | Swaddle on Bassinet | Letter Board | Taupe Cross Swaddle

On Georgie: Big Brother Wolf Tee | Jeans | Knit Sneaker

On Me: Robe | Pajamas | Floral Print Pajama Pant

Hospital Sign

We are SO happy to introduce Wilder and share his birth story! As many books as you read, tid bits of advice people send your way, preparations you make, there is nothing that can truly prepare you for the arrival of a new baby.

I had a little bit of deja vu when it came to delivery time, because I felt like I had just done this. I’m grateful that I was able to have two healthy pregnancies. I’m equally grateful he is in my arms and I’m no longer pregnant! I’ve spent 19 of the last 24 months pregnant, and that is NOT easy.

Georgie had IUGR and throughout the entire pregnancy Wilder was also measuring small. The doctor thought that he might have it too, and we were prepared to deliver him at 37 weeks (same as G). However, towards the end of the pregnancy he started showing major improvements in his growth. I ended up making it to the 39 week 4 day mark.

My doctor elected for an induced labor, because of my rib pain. We were planning on inducing right at the 39th week, but my doctor was out of town.

It’s always a strange feeling knowing the exact time and day you are going in to have a baby. It’s so strange to have on your calendar “5am have a baby.” I truly liked it, because I was able to have everything planned. The day before we had him I spent tons of quality time with G, and crossed all my t’s and dot my i’s with packing, having the house prepped, food prep, etc.

The night before we were scheduled to go in I couldn’t sleep at all. My nerves got the best of me. I really wasn’t too anxious about the pain or the actual labor, but the fact of bringing home a newborn with a 14 month old. Now that’s terrifying! By about 3 am I just stood up and started pacing around for about an hour until it was time to get ready to go. We got there so early that we walked up to the doors and they were still closed. Needless to say at 4:59 am we walked back up, and were the first people there. They got me straight up to the room, but from there it was a lot of sit around and wait.

They started my pitocin drip around 6:45 a.m. I went in at about 2cm’s dilated. I chose to not get the epidural at first so that I would be able to get up and walk around to help progress labor. I started doing hundreds of squats. No joke. Every five minutes I did 30 squats, and I did that for almost 2 hours. It helped me keep my mind off of everything.

Trying to keep this the abridged version without to many gory details… After a few hours of this, the doctor came in and broke my water. Things went from fairly uneventful to extreme so quickly. My contractions got so intense so fast that I could barely stay still enough to receive the epidural. (I was having back labor…so it was extremely painful!) I had jumped to 8 cm. So I was so glad to have that magic little shot!

After the epidural, I was able to relax, and even fell asleep. The very next time that the nurse came in I was at a 10. HOWEVER, he was still up pretty high, and the doc was delivering another baby so they had me wait a little while longer to push.

The pushing process started at about 3 pm. They told me that they thought he would be a “one push baby”. We quickly learned that would not be the case… He was “face up”. (G was this way as well.) They even had me break after pushing. The doctor went and delivered yet another baby, and they put me in the “pretzel.” It’s pretty much what it sounds like… Yikes. After hearing what seemed like the fifth baby chime come over the hospital speakers, it was our turn!

There is nothing in the world like seeing your sweet baby for the first time. A love that is truly indescribable! Those sweet first cries completely overwhelm you with emotion.

Our parents, and some of our siblings and nieces and nephews were all able to come in and meet sweet Wilder. No one knew the name, so it was fun for everyone to see the sign on the door for the first time!

The first visitor was Georgie! He wasn’t very interested at first, but has been sweet since we have brought him home.

I know it’s cliche to say, but we are very, VERY blessed. Tired but happy at the Wilson household.

BIG thanks to Chelsea Rochelle Photography for capturing these sweet pictures that I will treasure forever.

P.S. You can read about G’s birth story HERE.