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mommy and me


An Updated “Mom Uniform”

An Updated "Mom Uniform"

An Updated “Mom Uniform”

An Updated "Mom Uniform"

An Updated "Mom Uniform"

An Updated "Mom Uniform"

An Updated "Mom Uniform"

An Updated "Mom Uniform"

An Updated "Mom Uniform"

An Updated "Mom Uniform"

I’ve really been diving into some personal reflection lately. One of my revelations has been that I LOVE mom life. It brings me the most purpose, pride, love and so many other amazing emotions. BUT.. (there’s always a “but.” ) I miss feeling like a human outside of “mama.”

Beaus & Ashley started as a place for me to have a creative outlet and share fashion inspiration. As I grew, this space has as well. That doesn’t mean I don’t miss crafting outfits that make you feel like a million bucks.

Honestly, most days I never get out of my pajamas. If I’m home with the boys all day my attention is on them and trying to squeeze in work every now and then. When we leave the house I usually get REALLY dressed up ya’ll. In yoga pants. Pajamas to yoga pants. With these above said reflections I’ve realized this has aided in my feelings of identity loss.

SO….today I bring you an easy, updated “mom uniform.” If you want to feel a little Stella got her groove back, but with a baby on each hip, throw on a little jumpsuit and oversized sunglasses. BOOM. That’s it. I know this isn’t revolutionary, but that little bit of self-confidence you will feel can carry you a long way.

My favorite and go to jumpsuit lately has been THIS ONE by ABLE because it’s comfortable but the cinched waist still gives you some shape. Their mission is also amazing and their brand is empowering women everywhere. (You can check out a full post I did on their charitable efforts and ethical standards, HERE.