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Wilder’s 6 Month Photos | 6 Things I’ve Learned from My Baby

6 month baby pictures

Wilder’s 6 Month Photos

6 month baby photoshoot


Wilder’s Outfit: My Mila

The past 6 months have flown by! I can’t believe I’m already celebrating Wilder’s 6 month birthday. Time with kids truly does go by quicker.

For Georgie’s 6 month birthday, I compiled a list of 6 ways that he’s changed me. (You can check that out HERE.)

Isn’t it crazy how we are supposed to be teaching our children the ways of the world, but they can really teach us even more.

Wilder is the sweetest little baby. He started off with some pretty terrible colic and reflux issues. Now that he’s past some of those issues and not in pain, we can see his adorable personality shine. He’s always smiling and laughing. He already looks up to big brother, and no one can make him laugh harder. He snuggles and loves to be loved on. He completely goes with the flow and is just a laid back and easy little guy. I sure couldn’t love him any more than I do!

6 Things My 6 Month Old has Taught Me:

1. A smile can change someones day. No matter how rough of a day it is, when I see his sweet smile I can’t help but smile. This same sentiment can go for a stranger!

2. When it comes to babies, one is one and two is twenty. I’ve been told this by many, but it’s really true. We were able to still live a pretty “get up and go” lifestyle with just G. With both of them, it’s just not that easy. Everything has to be a little more planned out, organized, and thought through. I’ve never been one to operate that way, but I’m learning!

3. As a second baby, Wilder has been forced to go with the flow a bit. He handles it so well! I used to be great with this, but as previously mentioned it’s hard with two babies under a year and a half. BUT.. sometimes it’s still the best way to be!

4. Having two, I really haven’t been able to get out and “do” very much. There are times that I don’t even leave the house for 3 or 4 days in a row. I’ve always suffered from “FOMO” (Fear of missing out.) I can’t tell you how many times all my friends are somewhere and I can’t help but feel jealous. However, I had a realization with Wilder that if I’m at home snuggling my two babies I’m not missing out on a thing. I’m actually right where I need to be.

5. People are born with their personality. I used to think that our decisions as parents shaped their personalities. I do think we can mold their decision making skills and create their core values. However, Wilder is SO different than G. We can already see it. Wilder is laid back, always happy, always smiling, go with the flow and a cuddler. G rarely cuddles, is curious, smart and stubborn. They are who they are. As a mom, I’m supposed to embrace that and help make them the best version of themselves based on their unique personalities.

6. This was one of the things I learned with G, but I feel it just as deeply with Wilder. Unconditional love is real. You think you understand love to the full capacity with your siblings, parents and significant other. I can tell you for me that wasn’t the case. I’m so grateful to have amazing people who I love so much in my life. There is just nothing quite like the eternal love I have when I look into my child’s eyes. It’s magical. It makes my heart feel like it could explode. It’s indescribable.


Social Media Comparison

social media comparison issues

My two cents on social media comparison.

nashville blogger

Nashville fashion blogger

social media comparison issues

social media comparison

nashville fashion

social media comparison

Dark Cheetah Jacket | Faux Leather Mini Skirt | Over The Knee Boots | Sunglasses

I made it my New Year’s Resolution to live a more intentional and purposeful life. If I’m being honest, I was getting really bored writing about another outfit with no substance to blogging past that. Now, I still love sharing great fashion finds don’t get me wrong. So I’ll still be posting fashion shots, but I want to share meaningful things alongside them. So yes, these pictures are not a realistic day for me. It sure is fun to get dressed up though!

The other day on one of our many holiday road trips I was listening to Julie Solomon’s Influencer podcast and The Skinny Confidential was the guest. Everything she was saying truly resonated with me. She said she had the opportunity to meet the ultimate girl boss, Bethenny Frankel. She asked her for one single piece of advice and Bethenny told her to, “be like Michael Phelps and stay in your own lane.”

I sat there and thought about that for the rest of the trip. How are you supposed to get to the finish line if you are constantly checking the other swimmers and drifting off into their lane? I’m the first to admit that I struggle in comparing myself to others, and being far too hard on myself at that.

Let’s just be real. Social media is everyone’s “Christmas card pictures.” (Myself included.) It’s not the blooper real. Life happens in between each picture perfect Instagram square.

For me, social media is used as a marketing tool for my blog. It’s also used as inspiration and more as an artistic medium than anything else. I do use Instastories as more of my “reality.”

I’m a mom to two babies. No I am not walking around with a full face of makeup and heels everyday. At any given moment there is baby throw up on my clothes, and there’s a great chance I haven’t had a moment to take a shower in at least three days. That’s reality. And that’s OK!

Fashion has always been a passion of mine. It feels good to get dressed up and put on a cute outfit. It makes me feel like myself and it’s fun. But the pictures that are on social media are simply the ideal. Not the everyday.

Now let’s take a minute to think about what happens when we don’t create our own happiness, but base it off of others. The biggest problem is when it starts to affect your self-esteem or when it causes anxiety or depression. (Anxious to keep up or sad that you don’t feel your life is adequate.) This is when it’s most important to focus on your own lane. Be happy for others when they post something fantastic, but realize behind closed doors they suffer from issues of their own. You never know what someone is going through.

For much of my life I just wanted to fit in. Wanted to feel “cool.” Even with blogging, when I first started I would see several girls posting the same sweater, for instance. I would feel pressure to go get that same sweater with the mind set that it must be selling well and I needed to follow suit to keep up. (Now hey, if you REALLY love that sweater, get the dang sweater.) BUT I’ve learned this is the completely wrong mind set. Who wants to see 10,000 pictures of the same sweater? When the school of fish is all swimming one way, I think that I would rather be the rainbow fish swimming against the stream.

The theme of social media comparison is dangerous. Make an effort to support others without comparing yourself to them. Competition is human nature. It’s great to put your best foot forward (Or best picture…) There’s nothing wrong with that. As long as we keep a healthy mind set and honest approach to how we look at ourselves and others.

This goes hand in hand with my New Year’s Resolution. You can read more about that HERE.


17 Life Lessons from 2017

fashion blogger

17 Life Lessons from 2017

nashville blogger

2017 life lessons

life lessons

fashion blogger

fashion blogger

street style

street style

Camel Duster (I’m wearing an extra small for reference) | Black Booties | Faux Leather Leggings (these act as a shape wear and suck everything in! SO good.) Graphic Tee | Faux Fur Leopard Bag

If I’m being honest 2017 was a complete whirlwind and most days I felt like I was drowning. Wading water, at best. Adding Wilder into our family was amazing, but adapting to life as a mom of two under two is trying. Rewarding, amazing, full hearts, full hands, but difficult in every shape of the word. The year is a bit of a blur, but having some help over the holiday season has given me a few moments to reflect. I also turned to my husband and asked him areas he’s thought I have grown or lessons to have an outsider perspective as well. So here goes. 17 life lessons I’ve learned this year:

Patience. It’s truly the key to everything in motherhood. It’s also one of those “easier said than done” type of things. Also, with sleep comes patience. With babies there is serious sleep deprivation so I’ve had to really dig deep sometimes.

2. To have good friends, you must be a good friend. Becoming a mother of two has also limited my amount of “free time.” It’s become hard for me to keep up with all of my friends as well as I want to. I’ve tried my best to surround myself with positive friendships and nurture them in the free moments I do have. The smallest gesture can go such a long way. You really have to nurture your relationships for them to grow. I noticed the ones that I didn’t have drifted off, and the ones I’ve put in effort have flourished. (A 2018 goal is to water those friendships even more.)

3. Family first. It’s just that simple. (This includes friends that we consider family.)

4. Sometimes you have to “give in” to your partner. You can’t win ever argument. Know when to fight your battles and when to wave the white flag.

5. I’ve given up “FOMO.” Yes, I still have it at times, but I’ve come to terms with it. With babies, I can’t be at ever party, I can’t be the last person standing at the party, etc. Also, am I really “missing out” when I’m at home with my kids? I don’t consider it that. Right where I need to be.

6. You get to chose your thoughts. A friend of mine brought this to my attention and I sat with that thought for a long time. If you chose to put your energy into thinking positive thoughts, that will surround you. YOU have the power of your own thoughts. It’s a practice that takes lots of time to perfect, but so very powerful.

7. Put the phone down. I read the book HANDS FREE MAMA. Highly recommend it to everyone. There is ___ version that is geared towards everyone (not just moms.) Given the nature of blogging, I do still spend a lot of time on my phone. However, it’s significantly less. When Trey gets home from work and we are making dinner and playing with the boys we have made a great effort to put our phones down and soak in that precious time.

8. Work smarter, not harder. I feel like I spent a full year trying to figure out the blogging world. I remember when I first had George and he would nap I would just sit on my computer waiting for emails to come in. These days I have so little time that I had to learn this lesson out of necissity. I don’t waste my time with anything that isn’t concentrated and beneficial efforts.

9. Your best is enough. Still struggling with this one still. I truly try every day to be a good wife, good mom, good business woman, good friend, etc. There are days where I fall short on one of them, and there are days where I fall short on all of them. BUT, if I’m truly trying my best to be the best I can on all of those fronts… that’s enough.

10. Teamwork makes the dreamwork. I really feel like Trey and I have become REALLY good “teammates” aka parents. We know how to get in there and each take on tasks to get the job done. No relationship is perfect, but this is something (when it comes to dealing with the boys) that we have learned to excel in.

11. You are who you surround yourself with. Pick wisely!

12. LEARN from these life lessons. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve repeated mistakes. As a mom I’m really trying to be a better example. Learn from the life lessons (even if they come the hard way) and move on.

13. It’s ok to spend time to yourself. (Don’t get me wrong this literally only happens every 2 or 3 weeks to get my nails done..) I always feel guilty, but when I come home happy everyone else is a little happier too.

Here are the things Trey noticed that I’ve gotten better at this year:

14. Communication avoids fights. So many little arguments are actually just miscommunications. My favorite answer to “what’s wrong” has always been “nothing.” It’s easier to just lay it out there and communicate about grievances.

15. Save money. (He might be SLIGHTLY confused on this one.) I have made a much better effort. Not sure if my execution has been perfected just yet.

Reflection is so important because it leads to growth! I’d love to hear everyones lessons or ways they have grown in 2017.


Date Night Style

date night style

Date Night Style

date night style

date night outfit

nashville fashion blogger

date night style

date night style

nashville fashion blogger

On Me: Star Sweater | High-Waist Button Up Jeans | Over The Knee Boots | Black Aviators

On Trey: Slouchy Beanie | Bomber Moto Jacket

Let’s be real. Trey and I aren’t fine dining and sipping wine with our arms interlocked all the time. We have two babies under a year and half, and neither of our parents live in the state. If we do get a chance to get a night out, it’s usually with friends of for a reason. Several steps go into us leaving the house together. Finding a brave soul who will watch our children for example. HOWEVER, when the stars align perfectly and we get to do so we extra enjoy it! Everything seems a little better after you’ve put hard work into it, right?!

One thing that I love about Nashville is that everything is pretty laid back. Don’t get me wrong I love jumping into a dress every now and again, but most places you can dress casual and fit right in.

A favorite date night spot for us is Jeff Ruby’s. We also love Adele’s, Virago, Oak, and grabbing drinks at Patterson House, LA Jackson and Henrietta Red. If you really want to go all out for a special occasion the top of 404 kitchen has a private rooftop table that overlooks the Gulch. It’s incredible!!

Sometimes a date night “out” just isn’t in the cards. Sometimes it’s worth throwing on some makeup and getting out of my yoga pants to make a nice meal together at home and sit down just the two of us after the babies have gone to bed. (We usually eat after they go to bed, but are so hungry we are just inhaling it on the couch in our sweats. There is typically also baby spit up or poop somewhere on my body. So there’s that.)

For me, I have found that when Trey and I are in a good place and getting along great, the whole house is. I’m proud of the “team” that we are in when it comes to the boy’s. We can get in there and get stuff done together great. It’s still important to make time for each other and to prioritize our relationship. It’s important to still be “Ashley and Trey” and not just “mom and dad.”


Beauty Sale Roundup & Noelle Nashville Sneak Peek

beauty sales

Best Beauty Sales & Noelle Nashville Sneak Peek

noelle hotel nashville

beauty sales

beauty sales

noelle nashville

cyber monday sales

nashvile noelle

beauty sales

Ok ya’ll so the last of the deals are underway and there are some GREAT Cyber Monday beauty sales. I’m stocking up on my essential items that I wear non stop, grabbing a couple sets as friend gifts, and trying a few new items as well.

When it comes to beauty skincare is always paramount for me. It’s so important to take great care of your skin, and it’s the first thing I always notice.

Recently, a friend of mine that is a complete beauty guru told me about the CO2 Lift. This product started out only available to medical professionals. Dr.Biesman, a well known Celebrity doc in Nashville, offered this in his office. He was amazed by the product as well. It is a carboxytherapy treatment that is clinically and effectively proven to lift, hydrate, & rejuvenate your skin. I’m hooked. You can use code: ASHLEYWILSON20 for $20 off until midnight tonight. If you purchase one thing for yourself…this should be it!

First up for makeup, TARTE Cosmetics. I swear by so many of their products because they are cruelty free and free of all the “bad stuff” that fill a lot of makeup lines. They are offering a huge beauty blowout with items up to 60% off.

I love a good long stay lip gloss. This matte version is what I wear every day. I love the shade “bestie” it’s a great deep nude. I also love the shades “festival” and “OG.” (I still do like to wear a clear chapstick over it for hydration.) I also prep my lips with lip saver. (I give this as a gift frequently, and have gotten several of my friends hooked on it!)

In the winter time I love Amozonian Clay foundation. It’s long wearing and has SPF. It’s a true full coverage so I prefer to wear it with primer so that it doesn’t crease. In the warmer months I prefer a lighter weight foundation and switch to the Rainforest of The Sea Foundation . It’s water based and also includes the SPF. (Priorities!)

I also swear by their Dry Shampoo. It smells amazing!!

Ulta Cosmetics has some great beauty sales for cyber Monday as well. They are offering $10 off every $50 with the code CYBERMON17.

BEST MASCARA EVER. I love it! My mother in law got me this as a Christmas present last year and I’ve been using it ever since. It also comes in an ornament form , which is the perfect gift.

With long/thick hair I depend on detangler. THIS ONE is so great! I also love this wet brush. It prevents breakage and protects your hair.

I also was able to find the BEST blow dryer on MEGA sale. (55% off!) It’s professional grade and saves me so much time as well as protects against heat damage. You can shop it HERE.

Nordstrom is offering an additional 20% off sale today. There is a great deal on this LED Mirror and Compact Mirror. I’ve been wanting to try GLAMGLOW for awhile now so this is a new beauty sale item I’ll be purchasing! There is also an AMAZING deal on this acrylic makeup organizer.

One of my favorite parts of being a blogger is being a part of such a fun group of girls in Nashville and getting to get out and do fun things in the community. Noelle Hotel is one of Nashville’s newest gems. It is stuffed full of history, charm, amazing design, local artisans, attention to detail and so much inspiration. I felt so lucky to get a sneak peek of the hotel and can’t wait for a staycation there!

P.S. The EXACT FLANNEL I’m wearing is 30% off plus an additional 20% right now for Cyber Monday only! I’ve been wearing these for years and they are just the softest, easiest pieces. There are also some prints with an even greater discount HERE. These High-Waist Black Jeans are on mega clearence for $30. They are SO flattering. I’m wearing a 27 for reference, and that is my typical size.


After Baby “Baby Moon” Trip

Our after baby, “baby moon.”

Trey and I decided to wait until post baby to take our “baby moon” this time around. Since I was pregnant back to back with our sweet babes I wanted to really be able to enjoy our time and have some great wine, dinners, and beautiful scenery.

After college, Trey lived in Vail and worked as a ski instructor. We started visiting Colorado together at least once a year since we met and refer to it as our “happy place.”

For this trip we flew into Denver and had a little lunch rented an SUV and took off for the mountains. There is something about that drive that is just so serene and peaceful. You can start to notice the temperatures dropping and the smell of the pines. My stress levels instantly go down.

We always stop in Breckenridge and grab a crepe from the crepe cart on our way to Vail. It’s also the cutest little town to pop into a few shops.

Typically, we reserve our Colorado trips for ski season, but this time around we decided to go in the fall. I’m so glad that we did! The leaves were absolutely stunning, and we were able to truly relax.

We stayed at the Four Seasons which we also absolutely adore. They pay attention to every little detail. This go around we were able to eat at Flame (their steakhouse.) It did NOT disappoint. It was restaurant week and we were able to try a bit of everything. All delicious. Try the lobster mac and cheese and thank me later.

The bar is also beautiful and looks out into the mountains and pool. One of my favorite views…ever.

Each day we wandered into shops, ate amazing food, and slept in. Truly heavenly for new parents of two littles.

Some things you MUST do in Vail:

1. Grab a drink on the outdoor patio overlooking the lifts at Garfinkel’s. It’s known for it’s fun Apres’ ski, but we loved going for happy hour outside of ski season as well.

2. Drink a mudslide at Bully Ranch.

3. Relax in the courtyard next to Gore Creek. (You can bring a picnic!) Such a sweet little date spot.

4. Enjoy a hot chocolate at Four Seasons next to a fire pit on the balcony. This is truly an experience. It looks beautiful and tastes delicious!

5. Walk around vail village at night.

6. Dine at Sweet Basil.

7. Bowl at bōl. It’s a really impressive and modern take on bowling. Fun for fall trips when skiing isn’t your workout of choice everyday. (Not that bowling is much of a workout, ha! But the goal was to take it REALLY easy this trip.)

8. Relax at the Four Seasons spa.

9. Listen to live music at Red Lion.

10. Late night at Shakedown.

To say we thoroughly enjoyed our baby moon would be an understatement. We came back rested and able to be better (and happier) parents to our sweet boys!


Fall Makeup Tutorial

fall makeup tutorial

Fall Makeup Tutorial (and some cute baby pics..)

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nashville blogger

fall photoshoot

fall fashion outfits

fall outfits

nashville blogger

fall family photoshoot

fall outfits

fall makeup

fall makeup tutorial

Outfit: Sweater | Sweater in 3 Other Colors | Leggings | Boots

Let me preface this by saying the baby shots were not working this day. G was tired and refused to get one with Wilder. It’s important to me to try and get out and about and take them to the park or something outdoors everyday. I try to keep Georgie active and stay away from cabin fever as much as possible, but some days it’s just simply hard.

I have been LIVING in this oversized sweater. It is big and comfy and when I’m with the boys it is easy to move around in and hides spit up well. (Hey, it’s something I look for when shopping these days.) It does run oversized (I’m wearing a small.) If you prefer a tighter fit, size down. It also comes in three other colors HERE. These leggings are another “live in” kind of item when I am with the babes. They fit like a true shape wear. Tight to put on, but true to size. I love that they truly suck in this post baby bod.

Fall colors are the prettiest in my opinion, and that also applies to fall makeup! I had fun with my friend Chelsea trying them all out. (She also does all my photos, one talented lady! You can check her out HERE.) Ya’ll may know by now that I LOVE TARTE cosmetics. It’s organic and free of all the “bad stuff.” So most of these products are by them.


1.) To say a makeup brush has changed your life might be slightly dramatic, but THIS ONE has seriously changed the game for me. The Artis brushes are insanely good. I use the “oval 6” size for my foundation and highlighter (concealer.) The finish it creates is so well blended and natural looking. I began with Amazonian Clay Full Coverage with SPF 15.

2.) Then we added shape tape contour concealer in a large triangle shape under the eyes, and on the “t-zone” (nose and above eyebrows.) Blend this in with the artis brush in small circles. I know that shape tape is a cult favorite, I can’t believe it took me so long to start using it. SO. DANG. GOOD.

3.) Arch-Architect to fill in brows. (I’m on my third tube of this. Easiest way to fill a brow, and get it to stay.)

4.) Kept it simple on the cheeks with blush/highlighter combo in the color “sparkler-rose gold highlight.” Do big circles on the apples of the cheeks. (Switched up the brush and used this contour brush.)

5.) When it comes to a fall eye, Chelsea is the queen. Using colors from the magic star collectors set (which is $49 and the best gift ever by the way) she started by doing big circles to blend in the crease as the transition color. (Color shade majestic.) She brought this color underneath my eyes from the outside crease till the center of the eye as well. For the crease she used the second smallest brush from the artful brush set Then used the smallest brush to do a more pigmented lid using the color “broach.” She also put this in the corner of my eye underneath. Going back to the second smallest brush from the set she highlighted under the brow with the shade “wander.” She then used the same brush to blend. I decided against using eyeliner in the water line like I normally do. Opted for a small wing liner using liquid liner. (I prefer this one because it has regular liner on one side and liquid on the other.) I’ve been dying over this Too Faced Mascara. My mother in law got it for me last year for Christmas and I wish I had started using it sooner. It’s adds volume and length.

6.) Set the whole look with this setting powder using the Artis palm brush.

7.) This lip I love and wear daily, but it worked with the fall colors as well. It’s this tartiest quick dry matte in the shade “bestie.” It’s a long wear lip gloss, and like any long wear I like to add moisture to the top. I just use my Kiehls lip balm. I’ve been using that for years, and I haven’t been able to find something that is more hydrating.


Fall Trends: Velvet Booties

fall trends velvet booties

Fall Trends: Velvet Booties

nashville blogger

fashion trends velvet booties

nashville blogger

velvet booties

fall fashion trends

fall trends velvet booties

fall trends velvet booties

Purple Velvet Booties | Tie Cuff Sweater | Busted Knee Jeans |

These purple velvet booties have that luxe feel to them. They come in several other colors as well. I love the block heel and the square toe. Velvet has been one of the hottest fall trends, and I love adding some to my closet in bootie form.

I paired it with this tie cuff sweater. I absolutely love finding a classic piece that has that “little something extra.” This comes in grey and a wine color as well. The simple cream color pairs perfectly with a more bold bootie.

October is such a busy month in the Wilson household. We have a lot of travel, events, visitors and work functions. This is when I really struggle as a mom the most. It’s very important for me to be with the babes as much as possible and also be present with friends, family and even work. One thing that does help is waiting until bedtime to go to events or dinners. That way I don’t feel as if I’m missing any precious time with Georgie. Another thing that has helped lately is working from home as much as possible. (With the help of our awesome nanny a couple hours a week.) This way if G is really needing me I can just hop down the stairs and be right there. Also, if Wilder needs fed or anything I’m right here to do so. The mom guilt of doing it all is real!

When we were in Colorado the other weekend I told Trey it was “the mother’s curse.” After being pregnant for 2 straight years, I was really wanting some time away with just him. I was so excited to sleep in, drink some wine and not have to worry about the babies for a minute. However, the second I jumped on that plane I was missing them so much. Then again the second I got back to them and real life set back in, I was dreaming of the next getaway. Funny how it works out like that!


15 Best Sweaters for Fall

falls best sweaters

Best Sweaters for Fall

Bandana Print Sweater | Busted Knee Jeans | Sneakers | Bracelets: Cadyn & Charlie | Gucci Bag | Lion Ring

best fall sweaters

fall trends

fall fashion

best sweaters for fall

falls best sweaters

fall outfit inspiration

In honor of finding my favorite sweater ever I thought it would be fun to round up my 15 favorite sweaters for fall. I have many of these, and put sizing recommendations under each caption based on my experience.

There are so many ways to style all these sweaters. The great thing about a good knit is that they are typically all versatile enough to dress up or down. Pair them with distressed jeans and sneakers for day, and style them with a leather skirt and an over the knee boot for night.

Feel free to reach out to me via the CONTACT tab if you ever have questions on fit or just want to drop in and say hey! One of the best parts about blogging for me has been the community it creates.


P.S. Be sure to check out the top fall trends that I’ve rounded up HERE.


Fall Family Friendly Activities

fall family friendly activities

Fall Family Friendly Activities

fall family friendly activities

fall family activities

fall family fashion

fall family friendly activities

fall family friendly activities

fall things to do

family activities for fall

lifestyle blogger

fall family friendly activities

On Me: Thermal Top | Black Jeans | Sneakers

On Georgie: Plaid Shirt | Jeans | Baby Nikes

On Wilder: Stripe Bodysuit

I know I’m #basic, but I love fall more than just about anything. The weather, the smells, the beginning of the holiday season, the pumpkin flavored everything. It’s all just so good. Best of all the weather is usually pretty great for the babies to get out and about. Perfect season to squeeze in lots of family fun!

I’ve been LIVING in this insanely comfy thermal with thumb holes. It comes in six other colors as well. Thinking I need to order the grey and wine colors too….


* If you are in Nashville or visiting you MUST check out Cheekwood Botanical Gardens. They have a beer garden complete with food trucks and pumpkin flavored beer, thousands of mums, a ton of pumpkins and even a pumpkin house. If you want a cute family photo opportunity. THIS. IS. THE. PLACE.

* Picnics. We are so lucky to have beautiful parks and playgrounds here in Tennessee. Pack a blanket and some finger foods and head out on a picnic. I’m planning to go on one with the boys when we get back from our trip.

* S’mores. All kids love s’mores. Have a little bon fire, invite some friends. My kind of night! I’ve been planning one with my sweet friend Vanessa and her baby and hubs!

* Hit up a pumpkin patch. We had so much fun letting Georgie pick out a pumpkin. He threw a lot of them before finding the perfect one, but it was pretty cute! A lot of the patches have tons of activities built in. Hay rides, hay slides, corn mazes, etc.

* Bake an apple pie and deliver it to someone in need. The perfect way to start instilling the importance of giving back early. G can only really stir at his age, but he enjoys feeling like he is helping.

* Another Nashville based activity: The Fontanel is having a fun Jack O’ Lantern experience. We plan to go and I will be sure to pass along more details soon. I know the installation will have a 1/3 mile walk of jack o’ lanterns, pumpkin pirate ships and pumpkin dinosaurs. It’s very family friendly, so nothing to spooky that would scare a young one.

* Eat dinner outside. Grilling is in full force at the Wilson household. It’s an easy way to eat healthy (throw on some veggies and a lean protein) and enjoy it on the porch!

* Do a charity 5k run or walk. This is the time of year for it! There are several breast cancer awareness walks this time of year. I plan to load the kids up in our new double stroller, and hit one up. (Most likely walking this one…)

* Decorate your front porch for fall. I love adding a fall wreath and some mums and pumpkins to the front porch. I am not a fan of the orange, so I like to find some in the white/grey colors. We will let G help pick it out, and plan to let him paint his first pumpkin!

* Go for a hike. I’m hoping that Trey and I can each load a baby up in a baby carrier and head out for a hike. We use to love Cummins falls which is near Nashville. That one might be a little aggressive with the boys, but there are so many great options out there!

P.S. Be sure to check out the top 10 fall fashion trends, and my favorite pieces of each trend HERE.