
30 Random Acts of Kindness – 30th Birthday

30 random acts of kindness project

30 Ideas of random acts of kindness for my 30th birthday.

30 random acts of kindness project

Embroidered Jacket | Legging (Perfect for pregnancy and post pregnancy) | Sunglasses | Purse

Let me just preface this by saying, I hesitated writing this post because I didn’t want it to come across as “bragging” or anything of that nature. I normally think you should just be kind because it’s the right thing to do, and not for selfish intentions.I’m not by any means looking for a pat on the back or a good job out of this. However, I decided to share, because as a blogger that’s what I do is open up my life. Also, I’ve just seen so much negativity everywhere lately that I thought throwing some positiveness out there might encourage someone else to do the same. This sort of thing really has a ripple effect, and if everyone takes the time to just do one that could really have a great impact on a ton of people! Kindness cultivates kindness.

So I had seen this somewhere before (I think Pinterest) and had it in the back of my mind. I then saw so many of my friends taking lavish trips and doing all these big dinners, surprise theme parties, and other amazing things for their 30th birthday. Not going to lie, I wanted to follow suit! Thoughts of Italy, Malibu and wild nights on the town came to mind. But I am 39 and a half weeks pregnant. Not in the cards for me.

Hitting a milestone birthday really makes you self reflect. I was selfish in my early 20’s and competitive. It was a time in my life when I was cheering in the NBA and then the NFL and even though I made some great friends in that period, in was a very different world than the one I’m in now. It was hard to just be happy for your friends without being jealous of what they were doing or getting. A lot of the “but why not me?” thoughts were going on. These days I’ve learned that 1) you should only want the absolute best for your friends without any “and, if’s or but’s”. If you don’t… they aren’t truly your friend. So I hope all of my friends get the lavish vacas, big parties, etc. They deserve it 2) you aren’t the only person in the world. It’s more important to be kind to others.

This is the train of thought that made me think this would be the perfect birthday idea!
Being so very preggo, I had to prep most of these a couple days before and spread them out. I just don’t have it in me to go out and about all day. Here is my random acts of kindness list. Please use any of these ideas that you think would be a good fit to spread some kindness! Remember, you don’t have to do big profound deeds to make a difference. It’s all about the little things.


1. Write a letter to a few friends and snail mail them. Let them know what they mean to you!

2. Attach some gift cards to a note, and leave it on unsuspecting cars at the grocery store.

Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

3. Give a stranger a compliment. (I’m socially awkward so this was actually a hard one for me. I typically am never the first person to initiate a conversation, but I made a point to do it several times! Pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone is a good thing.)

4. Clean out your closet, and donate clothes. A general rule is if you haven’t worn it in six months, donate! If you live in the Nashville area consider giving to GraceWorks Ministries.

5. Fill the gumball, toy, candy machines with quarters for the next kids that go to use it.

30 random acts of kindness

6. Local humane societies are always in need of donations. We brought old blankets and paper towels. Even better if you volunteer time to walk the dogs. (I would have loved to do this, but was in a lot of pain this day, so we just dropped off the goods. Next time!)

7.Buy the person behind you in line coffee. I just gave the cashier $40 and told her to use it as long as it could go. We went to The Well Coffeehouse because it is mission based. They donate to people in need all over the world. Double win!

random acts of kindness ideas

8.Drop a coffee off to an unsuspecting friend.

9. Bring flowers to a local nursing home, and tell the caregivers to give them to some residents that need a pick me up. Kroger always has flowers on sale! I had extra glasses, so we were able to get several for the price of one at a flower shop.

random acts of kindness ideas

10. Overtip. The one thing I did want to do for myself was get a pedicure. The heat in the south in mid- July mixed with a 9 month preggo is not a great mix. Thanks to my friend Ashley who treated me to this, and also left the BIG tip in honor of my project! You can do this at a restaurant too. Tip the price of the bill.

11. Fill a bag of necessities and give to someone homeless. (We filled a large plastic bag with toothbrush, toothpaste, bottled water, deodorant, etc.)

12. Park your car farther away from the store, and walk. Not only do you get a little exercise, but it leaves a prime spot for someone who may really need it. (See it really is the littliest things that can make a difference!)

13. Send a gift to a friend, or family member. (I tripled up on this one for good measure!)

14. Smile at everyone you see.

15. Let someone go in front of you in line. (At the coffee shop, grocery store, etc.)

16. Fill quarters in someones parking meter. (I had this on my list, but we never saw in any parking meters. We did this and then realized the parking meters were to charity. So this was a double win too!

17. Hold open the door for people.

18. Call a grandparent. (This made my grandmother’s day! She has dementia and called me back several times, forgetting that I had called, but saying I came across her mind.)

19. Take the day to not say a single complaint. (Ok, this one was actually the hardest for me. So. much. pain. these last few days.. but I made it!)

20. Send out a reconnect text to an old friend.

21. Let someone know they are doing a great job at their job. (Example the barista…)

22. Write a letter to your significant other saying things you love about them and put it in an unsuspecting place for them to find. (My husband does this for me before he leaves for trips, and it always makes my day. He has left them on the steps, in the refrigerator etc. So I just copied his idea back to him. HA! He still hasn’t found it…)

23. Push all the grocery carts back to the cart corral.

24. Place a thank you note in treat for the mailman/woman. (I did this, but we have a different one on Saturday than the rest of the week, so I’ll re-do on Monday for our normal one.)

25. My mom and sister are both teachers. In honor of them I donated to DonorsChoose. This is such an amazing organization. They connect classrooms that are in desperate need with deserving donations. You can filter to search for something specific, or they have the most urgent needs on the homepage. I put in Nashville, TN and Tom’s is currently doubling donations on several of the ones there!

26. Write great reviews on someones yelp or facebook that you really appreciate. Everyone is quick to write a negative review, so it’s nice to write some positive ones to show appreciation.

27. Pay for the person behind you in a drive-thru line. I typically don’t eat fast food, but I had a moment of weakness this week and went to Chik-fil-A.

28. Take the survey at the end of the receipt and give a rave review on service. We had to go to the post office to get stamps and mail out the gifts. They always ask to fill out the survey, and I normally don’t take the time to do so. This was the perfect time!

29. Donate to a food pantry. I asked a couple friends to help with this one. They each gave me a few things and I drove it up there so the donation was a little bigger. This was they were able to help and not have to drive to the bank as well.

30. Give an extra large gift to someone for a birthday or holiday. My sister’s birthday was a few days ago and she’s moving across the country this week. I got her a major splurge present that I know she wouldn’t get herself. (I can’t reveal just yet what it was because she won’t get it for a couple more days..)

Is there a random act of kindness you like to do? I had so much fun doing this I would love to hear ideas so I can incorporate them more into my life.

Big thanks to my friends that came along for parts of the day, and did some of these with me. It made my day so much better. Also, a friend of mine surprised me from coming in town from St.Louis and was nice enough to drive all this way just to participate and hang in comfy clothes at the house. Of course my husband still spoiled me, because that’s just what he does.

How amazing were these cupcakes and sugar cookie squash blossom necklace he got me?!

30 birthday cupcakes and sugar cookie

Anyway, I think 30 is going to be just fine. Hope ya’ll have a great week!


Nordstrom Anniversary Sale Top Picks

The annual Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is FINALLY HERE! The fact that this sale lands on my birthday is just pure magic. I look forward to this every year. I have spent countless hours (aka an all nighter) sifting every single page of the sale. I’ve broken it down by category.

You can also read my last post about tips and tricks of shopping the sale HERE.

I’ve got every single item on the Shop Anniversary Sale Tab and I’ve also got then broken down by category.

First up, my overall favorites from the sale. Lots of these things ended up in my cart (sorry, Trey!), and some I will go pick up! (Don’t forget to head over to my Instagram and watch the Instastories from my trip to the store.) I try to show quality, what’s selling out quickly, colors, etc. They have an option where you can purchase online and then pick up in store. I do this for the things that are available at my location, and the rest will ship to my house.


Shoes are big on the Nordstrom sale! I purchased a few different types this year. These studded booties were my favorite shoe find. They are classic and can be worn all the time, but with a little edge to them.


Each year I make sure to stock up on atleast one pair of designer jeans, a pair of boots/booties, some sweaters, a jacket and a coat. My favorite purchases in outwear this year were this suede moto jacket in rust for $125, and this parka with removable fur hood. The parka is a designer splurge, but it was $150 the normal price.


A lot of people overlook the beauty section of the sale. There are always great sets and products! The blowdryer I’m always raving about is one of the best deals. I bought this MAC make up brush set that is worth $167 on sale for $49.50. Whoop!!


Since I am in full on baby mode over here I couldn’t pass up getting Georgie and baby 2 some items too! I know I have talked about these Hudson baby jeans a ton on here, but they truly are the best. They are made of a super soft knit, are designer, and have a great fit. They are on sale for $22!!! I’m buying every single size G doesn’t have that they make. I also loved this little Rock & Roll baby tee for $11. Also, how cute are these baby adidas tubular knit sneakers?! They have them in women’s and men’s as well.


It’s hard to think about sweaters and fall clothing when it is so hot outside still, but this really is the best time to stock up on sweaters. Some of the best deals of the entire sale are some under $100 sweaters. Below are the rest of my favorite finds that are under $100…

UNDER $100

GREAT deals in the home department. I’m trying to find a place that I could put this bar cart, because it’s adorable. I did stock up blankets, and then I always get a few gifts from this department. This plush throw is legit the softest blanket ever. It comes in several colors and is $25. I got the cream color for myself, and then grabbed a couple others to put in the closet to have on hand as gifts. A cute planner makes for a great gift too!


I will be sure to keep updating as items sell out or restock! Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about shopping the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale. I consider myself a professional at this point… yikes.


10 Ideas When “Nesting” Mode Strikes – Maternity Fashion

Ideas for nesting and summer maternity fashion…

maternity outfit ideas

maternity outfit ideas

maternity fashion

pregnancy nesting ideas

| Dress | Shoulder Bag | Platform Sandals

Being in the third trimester in the heat of summer is NOT an easy task. I’m not usually a huge dress girl for everyday style, but it really has been the easiest way to style the bump. You can stay cool, and most of them work post-pregnancy as well. This dress can be easily dressed up or down, and is so cool. I’m wearing the small for reference, so it’s an oversized fit. It also comes in a top version.

With Georgie I went full out with the “nesting.” I made stuff up to organize and do, because it calmed my anxiety. (This is normally far from my personality.) I haven’t gotten that full blown nesting itch as much this go around. Mainly because I’m so busy attempting to keep up with G! However, sometimes it will still hit and when it hits it does hard!

I wanted to sharea list of some “nesting” tasks you can do when you find that urge! If you aren’t pregnant, a lot of these are great to periodically do when you get some down time.

10 Ideas When “Nesting” Mode Strikes

1. Organize a “diapering” station. In those first few weeks there seems to be a lot of diaper changes. It’s easiest if you can set up one downstairs, and one upstairs if you live in a two-story home to minimize the stair climbing. We used a dresser drawer upstairs with his changing table, and a basket downstairs. Don’t forget vaseline/gauze pads for boy’s, diaper rash cream, wipes and diapers. I also organized the closet with extra diapers by size in little tubs.

2. Put the most used clothes (current size) in the dresser drawers so they are easiest to access. I also rolled up all the swaddle blankets and put them in a drawer. Then, you can organize the other clothes by size in the closet. Once they have outgrown something I also have a tub on top of the closet to throw that into.

3. Pack that hospital bag! (Don’t forget essentials for you, your partner, the baby and if you have any other siblings.)

4. Donate unused clothing and household items. Babies require a lot of “Stuff”. Before you bring a ton of new items in the house, move some out. It is tough for me to get rid of clothes, but I had bags of items I hadn’t worn in months/years. It felt good to see them go. Now I’m trying to get my husband to follow suit…

5. Deep clean the kitchen. (Still working on this one..) I wiped down the cabinets and we will really disinfect the countertops and sink well. This is important if you are going to be doing any bottle feeding.

6. Clean out drawers. I did a MAJOR bathroom drawer clean out. Makeup and hair products I hadn’t been using were given to friends or donated. Then I was able to make sure anything that wasn’t baby friendly, had the proper safety gear on it.

7. Speaking of safety, go ahead and put baby safety items up. (I waited last time, but it’s better to have this done before it’s a problem.) Here is a really great CHECKLIST of all things baby proofing.

8. Prep your guest room for visitors. If you plan on having anyone come to stay to help or meet baby, make sure they have everything they need now. Wash the sheets, stock the guest bathroom with shampoo/conditioner/soap, etc. You can also set up/leave out coffee items or waters in the kitchen, so they have easy access to essentials. This way you won’t have as much anxiety about entertaining, and can put that attention on the new babe.

9. Stock up on ALL home essentials. Toilet paper, paper towels, salt, pepper, hand sanitzer, etc.

10. Save some time for yourself. Having a newborn is a pretty selfless time in life. Go take a nap, get a pedicure/manicure, get a massage, etc. Thanks to G for sleeping 15 hours so I could stock up on some zzz’s!

P.S. My favorite sale of the year is just days away. Tomorrow is the last day to get $20 to shop it. Check out everything you need to know about all that goodness, HERE.


Updating the Nursery for Baby 2

Boho Baby Nursery

The countdown till baby 2 is officially ON so we have updated the nursery to accommodate for two babies.

Baby Boy Boho Nursery

boho nursery

Boho Nursery

Baby Nursery

| Braided Rug | Play Teepee Tent | Wooden Letters | White Dresser | Similar Beaded Chandelier | Blankets | Sheepskin |

Just days left on the baby 2 countdown, so it was time to adjust the nursery to accommodate two babies. We plan to be in a new house before this babe will need his own nursery. It was a better option to make G’s room more suitable for both of them. Baby 2 will be in a bassinet in our room for these first several months. When we make the move, each boy will get their own room.

First, I added a rug to the room. It was important for G to have plenty of places to play. Currently, we have a couple things for him to play in our room. Since the new baby will be sleeping in there a lot (hopefully) I wanted him to be able to play in his room more. This Lorena Canals was perfect for that. It’s machine washable, all natural (no VOC’s!) and handmade. I kept it neutral so it can grow with him or go in any space later.

Next, I switched up the changing table/dresser. Previously, I had a changing table that was open on the bottom with some baskets. That is now in the closet underneath the hanging clothes, with accessories and various items. This Carter’s by DaVinci Dresser was clean and simple, but provided more adequate storage. The top can also be a changing table. I saved the top drawers for each of the boys’ diapering needs. Then each boy has a side with their most worn clothing items for the easiest access.

We also added the first letter of baby 2’s name to the collage near the rocking chair. (I took it down for the picture, to keep it a secret!) Once he is here we will also change up the pictures in the frames to include both boys’ sweet faces. 🙂

Lastly, I found these closet dividers with months on them. I sized the closet from newborn- 2T so both of their clothes could be organized together.

I’m so excited to welcome a new precious little guy into our home, and for G to become a big brother! That doesn’t stop the mom guilt about him not getting the attention he needs, but it’s really helped having Trey home more with the long holiday this past weekend. We were able to really give him lots of QT and soak in the last days of being a family of 3!

P.S. G’s little outfit is from Moon & Beck. They are local out of Nashville, and it’s the softest fabric EVER. (Bamboo and Spandex mix.) A lot of their stuff is mix and match, and I stocked up for him and for the new babe.


Tips, Tricks, Hacks of the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale

maternity outfit

If you aren’t familiar with the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale…. you are missing out!!

maternity fashion

Nordstrom Sale

maternity outfit

nordstrom anniversary sale

nordstrom sale

nordstrom anniversary sale

Oversized Tee | White Booties | Guitar Strap Handbag | Straw Hat

If you aren’t familiar with the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale…. you are missing out!! Take it from a level 4 Nordstrom shopper (I know, I know, it’s a problem…) this is the best way to shop the upcoming seasons fashions. I’ve got tips and tricks to help you navigate the sale and get the most bang for your buck.

But first, I’ve been getting tons of questions about this oversized tee via an Instagram post. I’ve found it on sale for $33!!! It’s an absolute must buy. I wear it knotted on the side, tucked in on one side or even all the way down as a tunic. It’s lightweight for summer, and pretty much perfect. I also am loving this under $100 straw hat. The feather band is still neutral, but really gives it that something special. Let’s just take a minute to admire this white handbag. The embroidery is so pretty, and that guitar strap is amazing. It also comes with a plain white/chain strap you can replace it with if you choose. So so good.

Why this Sale is Different

Ok, now on to the sale. This sale is not like a typical sale where at the end of the season items that haven’t been purchased/overstock are put up at discounted prices until they sell. These are the upcoming fall season’s hottest pieces put up at majorly discounted prices. Once the sale is over, whatever is left is then marked back up to MSRP. Amazing, right?!

Important Dates/Cardholders

From July 13-20th Nordstrom cardholders can shop the sale before it opens to the public. This is important because tons of the items will sell out before the public gets access to them. I’m not a big fan of store credit cards, personally, because it makes self control a little hard. However, they have an option where you can get all the rewards and it connects directly to your debit card! I love this option. If you have better self discipline with your spending, they have credit card options too! You can sign up HERE. If you are approved for the card by JULY 9th, you receive a $20 Nordstrom note to use during the sale.

The sale will open to the public from July 21st-August 6th.

Items Sell Out….

Hot items sell out extremely quickly. A couple things you can do to make sure you secure the best deals:

  1. Apply for the card so you can shop the early access.
  2. Shop online first, and then in store. There is always a better chance of the item being available online.
  3. Buy first, return later. Ok, so I’m not a huge fan of having to return items. I’ve worked in retail and know the hassle. However, this is an exception. Nordstrom has one of the easiest and best return policies in all of retail. Go ahead and purchase the item and if you decide it wasn’t a great fit, or was an impulse decision, it is extremely easy to return. If you wait to think on it (which in most normal situations I would suggest) there is a great chance it will sell out.
  4. Restocks happen frequently. They do restock items throughout the sale, so continue to go back to Nordstrom.com if you happened to miss out on something that you really would love.

How I can Help You

I’m pretty much a complete crazy A$$ when it comes to this sale. Early Access starts during my birthday week. I take that as a sign that I’m supposed to use that opportunity to the fullest. Year after year, I do. When the sale first goes live, I spend hours and hours browsing nearly every page for the best finds. (The sale spreads from women, baby, men, home, etc.) I typically look for classics that you can get tons of use out of in each category. They always have a killer leather jacket, great designer denim deals, designer handbags at majorly discounted prices, a beauty kit, booties/boots for fall, great staple coat, etc.

I’ll also go to the store the first day and check out everything in person. Be sure to watch my Instastories to view the items. This way if you have questions about quality or something similar, I can do my best to help you out. I so look forward to this as I don’t take nearly as many styling jobs as I did before Georgie was born. It’s truly so fun for me!

Triple Point Day/Card benefits

If you decide you do not want to become a cardholder, you can still join Nordstrom Rewards. With the rewards program you will get 1 point for every $1 spent.

Cardholders rack up points quicker gaining 2 points for every $1 spent. (This applies to Nordstrom, Nordstrom Rack, HauteLook and Trunk Club.) You get reimbursed in notes for alterations as well. Throughout the year, there are double points, and triple points days. These are great times to make larger purchases as the notes can really add up quickly!

You also get to choose a triple point day! The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is absolutely the day to do that. Not only are you saving money from the discounted prices, but you also are making money from the notes to spend later. (They last a year. I typically majorly stock up during the sale, and get a ton of $20 notes. It’s hard to do, but I try to save those notes for Christmas time, and use them for gifts. Around that time, it’s always great to have that option!)

Hope this helps! If you have any questions or need help, feel free to contact me HERE. Happy shopping. 🙂

P.S. Be sure to follow my Instagram for a chance to win a $100 gift card to shop the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale!


36 Week Pregnancy Fashion – Pregnancy Update

third trimester maternity outfits

36 week pregnancy fashion options have gotten a little more limited, but I’ve got a couple tried and true pieces that are easy to style and can be worn post pregnancy as well!

maternity outfit ideas

36 weeks pregnancy

third trimester maternity outfits

36 weeks pregnancy fashion

White Handbag | White Booties | Exact Dress Sold Out..but is Spell & Gypsy Collection (Click to check out their other similar and amazing pieces) | Chambray Shirt (tied around waist in pics) | Same Fit Tank Dress | Graphic Shirt Dress

36 week pregnancy fashion options have gotten a little more limited, but I’ve got a couple tried and true pieces that are easy to style and can be worn post pregnancy as well!

When it is this hot, it’s easiest to just wear a dress in my opinion! I loved this graphic tank dress that I can wear post pregnancy as well. This exact dress is Spell & The Gypsy Collective and has sold out. Check out their site for some other amazing pieces! (Including some super cute graphic tees!) This tank dress has the exact same fit, and is under $100. (I have this dress as well, and wear it often these days!) One of my style tricks in the third trimester is to wear a button up around the waist with loose fitting items. It helps to define the bump, and still give a little shape instead of just getting that “tent affect” as I lovingly call it.

P.S. I’m obsessed with white accessories for summer! (They will still carry over into the fall/winter trends as well.) This white leather bag is one of my favorite finds lately. The grommet detailing gives it just a little bit of edge, but the shape keeps it classic. It can be worn on the shoulder or be handheld.

I wore this to eat tacos with a friend the other day, trying to soak in these last couple weeks being able to get out and about at times. Once baby 2 arrives I know I will be house locked for a bit.

So on to the not so glamorous part. The final weeks of pregnancy. It’s hard, ya’ll. There is just no way around it. I went for my (now weekly) visit yesterday and found out the culprit of my constant pain… separated (and possibly broken) ribs. Baby #2 is sitting high and he’s been putting so much pressure on my ribcage. If he doesn’t come before, I will be induced at 39 weeks. On a good note, they thought he might have IUGR like Georgie did, and has been measuring extremely small this entire pregnancy. He’s kicked his weight gain into gear and is up to the 15th percentile! They no longer think that is the case, instead thinking he is just naturally a little on the smaller side. With G I was induced at 37 weeks for this, and they will not need to do that with baby #2.

I had planned to write a 36 week update for awhile now as a follow up to the 32 week one. Sharing the real struggles (past the perfectly posed smiling pictures). However, right as I was sitting down to write this, I ran across a caption that said to embrace where you are in life, because you won’t be in that same position again. It took me a minute to really soak that in. As I did I realized this will most likely be my last pregnancy. (2 in 2 years has done me in..) Adjusting my mindset to cherish these moments instead of dread them is pretty powerful. Instead of focusing on the pain, I’m determined to focus on the last kicks I will feel from him that no one else can experience. I’m determined to focus on the amazing miracle creating a human life really is. I’m determined to remember that the longer he is in there, the healthier he will be.

Yesterday, I was in “nesting mode” and organizing a couple things in our bedroom. I stumbled upon a devotional that I (not proudly) haven’t picked up in a very long time. When I went to open it, the bookmark was on the date it was. It stopped me in my tracks. It was God’s way of letting me know I was right where I was supposed to be. The message was about how faith is about persistence and not perfection. It was exactly what I needed to read in that moment.

Stumbling across these two things have really shifted my mindset and reminded me to embrace the exact moment you are in and stay positive!


Hair Tutorial – Loose Beach Waves

t3 micro curling wand

My most asked question is always about my hair, so I thought I’d share a hair tutorial with my everyday hair look.

t3 micro curling wand

Interchangeable Styling Wand with 3 Rods| Dry Shampoo |
| Hair Oil | Wet Brush | Longhorn Cardigan

My most asked question is always about my hair, so I thought I’d share a hair tutorial with my everyday hair look.

I’ve been meaning to get this one up for awhile, and the time has finally come! So let me preface this with the fact that I do naturally have really thick and long hair. Prenatal vitamins for almost two years straight has helped as well. I also get regular hair cuts, and brush my hair often with a wet brush. I also do NOT wash my hair everyday. Twice a week usually does the trick for me.

You can really accomplish a lot with a good blow dry. I use the T3 Micro Featherweight Luxe Blowdryer to get a smooth base. You can check out all the details on that with this previous post I did explaining that in further detail.

The main trick to getting this loose and easy curl look is using a styling wand. I’ve been using a wand instead of the traditional curling iron for a few years now, and it’s made all the difference! I’m obsessed (and I know that word is overused, but it’s so true in this case) with my T3 wand. The interchangeable option has 3 different sizes. For this look I used the biggest barrel. Sometimes, I will use the medium sized barrel if I know I won’t have anytime to style the next day and want it to truly last. I save the smallest barrel for times when I’m doing a braided look or updo or something similar and just need small curls around my face.

Using large sections (1 inch to an inch and a half) I wrap the hair around the barrel. For the pieces closest to my face, I go AWAY from the face. Every other section I switch up the direction of the wand. (Easiest to see in the pictures.) So for one the smallest top part of the barrel is facing up and then for the next piece I point the wand down.

It’s best to not touch the curls until they have had time to cool and set. Once they are all cool, I spray dry shampoo throughout my roots, and use also like a texture spray. Then run your fingers loosely throughout your hair.

Finish the look by smoothing the stray hairs with some hair oil. The Fave4 one has been my favorite so far, because it isn’t too “greasy” and is also light. You can also do a light hairspray coat, if you choose.

You can also head over to my Instagram to watch my Instastories where I do video of this look and others!


Embroidered Trend – Summer Outfit Inspo

Nashville fashion

I’ve been seeing the embroidered trend everywhere this season, and I’m really loving it.

Embroidered Shirt

nashville fashion blogger

embroidered handbag

embroidered handbag

embroidered trend

Nashville fashion

summer outfit inspo

Head Dress Embroidered T-Shirt | Embellished Clutch | Hat | Aviators | Jeans

I’ve been seeing the embroidered trend everywhere this season, and I’m really loving it. Of course, I had to do my own take on it. Which at 81/2 months pregnant means in t-shirt form. I found this designer, Banner Day, that makes these handcrafted, high-quality linen embroidered t-shirts and couldn’t pass them up. Yes, it was a little bit of a splurge. They source original artwork as the illustrations for the shirts. How cool is that?! You can shop the one I’m wearing HERE. I sized up for the bump, but I think it’ll be cute tied up later this summer, post baby. I also love this cactus version and this coyote version . Most days, I wear this with some leggings and flats. However, for a little friend date I wore it with the only jeans that fit me these days. These are NOT maternity, but are super low rise so I’ve worn them my entire pregnancy. If you are expecting, save your $$ on maternity jeans, and get a pair of these. That way you can wear them after too!

I’ve been loving the embroidered trend so much much I wanted to get a purse with that vibe. I searched long and hard to find this one that is completely embellished and it’s under $100! It comes in two other colors as well. I’m also tempted to buy the tote version as well. These days I typically need a big bag to carry all G’s (and soon to be baby #2’s) things as well as my own.

Let me just tell ya, it’s hard out there for an 8 month preggo in this summer heat. I’m anxiously waiting to meet baby #2 and see his cute little face. Most days I’m at home in the air conditioning with G in comfy clothes, but I am soaking up day time friend dates to grab lunch or a coffee as much as I can before his arrival. I know it will be hard to get out for awhile once he’s here!


Santa Barbara Trip

Santa Barbara wedding

We had a wonderful trip to Santa Barbara to celebrate Trey’s brother’s wedding.

malibu farm

Malibu Farm

Comfy Shirt | Capri Legging | Straw Hat | Handbag

We flew into LA and took the scenic route up Pacific Coast Highway to Santa Barbara. (SB isn’t easy to fly directly into. I’m glad we did this because I had really been wanting to check out Malibu Farms and it did NOT disappoint!) Try the watermelon juice… it’s amazing and so refreshing! Of course I had to grab some coffee too. It really is such a small world, we ran into Trey’s cousin while we were there!

Ok, I do have to back up to the flight out there. Horrible. Miserable. Worst ever. I am always advocating traveling with your kids, but it’s not always easy. G is typically great on flights, but with a 4:30 wake up call and a 4 hour flight…. he just couldn’t cope. He screamed uncontrollably for a very very long time. We had just gone to the CMT awards the night before, and Trey had just done work with the band Earth, Wind, and Fire for CMT Crossroads that week too. Well, they were all on our flight. Let’s just say they weren’t impressed with G’s vocal abilities. (Eeek.) Trey and I discussed if we should get on the intercom at the end of the flight and publicly apologize.. it was that kind of bad. We flew Delta, but if it had been Southwest, I would have passed out some drink cards as apology tokens.

We stayed at the Fess Parker, which I recommend if you are traveling with a family. My mom came with us this trip to help with Georgie, so we got a suite. We had plenty of room and two balconies. One of the balconies was ocean view and HUGE. Once we checked in and let G run some of his energy out we hit up the pool. This boy Loves to swim!! Note to moms, load those babies up with the sunscreen. I used a stick for G’s face and missed a swipe and he got a little sunburn. I felt like a horrible mom, and of course it happened right before the wedding/ wedding pictures. #MOMFAIL

G’s star button down | Trey’s Linen Suit |
Similar Fit Floral Dress | Similar Fit Floral Dress

The rehearsal dinner was at the Fess Parker in this beautiful open, ocean view area. It really was an awesome night. It was great to see the families coming together, and hear all the sweet toasts. And then there was Trey’s toast…. Brad decided to “roast” Trey at our wedding instead of a traditional toast. Let’s just say Trey returned the sentiment. I must say, my guy is pretty hilarious.

Santa Barbara trip

Santa Barbara trip

lobster roll santa barbara

Straw Hat | Exact Dress | Similar Graphic T-Shirt Dress

Whenever, I’m by the coast I always want some seafood. We were able to grab a lobster roll on the pier at a little place called Santa Barbara shellfish company. It did not disappoint. It’s super casual, and that lobstah did not disappoint! We sat outside to soak up the view.

santa barbara wedding

santa barbara wedding

santa barbara wedding

Santa Barbara wedding

The wedding was at the Santa Barbara Historical Museum. It was such a cool venue. Jacqueline did an amazing job decorating for the space. There were lots of muted natural tones, succulents, vintage goblets, lace detailing. Pretty dreamy! G made it down the aisle, which I considered a success. They even had a vintage ice cream truck come at the end. Most importantly we left Santa Barbara with a new sister in law, who happens to be pretty damn awesome!

santa barbara wedding

Santa Barbara truly was beautiful. The mountains in the background with an ocean view in front of you is hard to beat. So much charm in the city too. I can’t wait to go back (not pregnant) and spend more time checking it all out and hitting up the local wineries!


Beauty Bag Round Up- Makeup, Skincare & Brushes

Makeup beauty bag

I’ve been finding lots of great products lately and wanted to do a beauty bag round up to share some of the goodness!

Makeup beauty bagmakeup and beauty bag

beauty bag

best makeup brushes

best makeup

beauty and makeup bag

| Brush Set |Palm Brush| Leather Makeup Bag | Radiant Skin Mist | Perfume | Liquid Highlighter | Liquid Matte Lipstick | Eye Cream

I’ve been finding lots of great products lately and wanted to do a beauty bag round up to share some of the goodness!

First up, are these AHH-MAZING brushes. Now I know that these are an investment item. After, using them and seeing the difference I see why they are totally worth it. These are NOT made from animal hair like a lot of other brushes on the market. They are comprised of an engineered fibre that applies much more easily than a conventional brush. The surface area of these brushes are made to pickup and lay down the product, without holding on to it. This helps to not waste nearly as much product. (So in my mind..that makes them worth it right there. I HATE wasting expensive makeup.) Every fiber also has a tapered tip ending in a microscopic fine structure. This makes blending nearly flawless, and easy to achieve. I can’t hype these things up enough!! They were on my wish list a long time prior to pulling the trigger, but I wish I would have earlier!

I know I’ve talked about my love for Tarte Cosmetics a lot lately, but my obsession is real. If you are new to the blog, Tarte is an organic cosmetic company with impeccable packaging that is formulated without the use of parabens, mineral oil, phthalates, sodium lauryl sulfate, triclosan, synthetic fragrances, gluten, etc. They’ve recently come out with a few new products that I’ve been crushing on and are a must have for any beauty bag. Their new perfume smells amazing. It’s in a roller ball style, so super easy for travel. It’s a vanilla-ish smell without being too sweet. Huge fan over here.

I don’t know how I’m so late to the highlighter game, but it’s a complete game changer. Especially in the summer to achieve that dewy glow. I have all three colors of this liquid highlighter but my favorite is the “exposed nude”. It gives that highlight effect without being overkill/ looks like you dumped glitter on your face like some highlighters seem to do…

My obsession with this skin mist is slightly out of control… It smells so fresh and is really hydrating in this summer heat.

I really don’t have time to touch up my makeup in the day with G, so I’ve been swearing by this liquid lipstick. I do add a little chapstick to top to keep my lips from feeling or looking dry. The color “bestie” is my everyday go to. It’s a bit darker than a nude, but in that nude family. I’ve also been loving the peachy look for summer, and “salty” a lot too.

My skin is always changing especially being pregnant, and I change up the skincare that’s in my beauty bag ALL the time. Lately, I’ve been a bit worried about turning the big 3-0 next month so I’ve been using Goop eye cream. I got this from a friend of mine, Mallory Ervin. She’s a beauty blogger and really knows her stuff and she was right. It works!

I’d love to hear any tried and true products that ya’ll swear by! I’m really getting into makeup and skincare more and more lately. Really appreciate a well made product to fill my beauty bag up with!